Luncheon Pricing


Find Your Best Fit

Choose the package that suits your event and the number of people that will be there. That’s How we will determine how much Food you will need.

Package 1 


15-60 people
per person
2 Entree Choice
2 Side Item Choices
House Salad


Package 2

60-85 people
per person
3 Entree Choice
2 Side Item Choices
House Salad


All packages above come with heavy-duty plastic plates, set up, breakdown and staff to run the Luncheon. We can add any service needed to give your event a little something extra. Add a self-serve beverage station for $1.75 per person. Includes iced tea, lemonade and water with plastic cups. Add glasses for $1 per person. Prices do not include tax or gratuity. Prices are base on the number of people in the package. There may be an upcharge for events with fewer guests Choose the package that suits your Event and the number of people that will be there. That’s How we will determine how much Food you will need. Also, partial payment is needed before we can start planning your event at least 3-4 week advance.